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This state is characterized by stability and security, when no economic threats can cause material damage to a person.
The goal of the Global Success Management is to achieve Financial Security, create a better world, help our clients achieve success and improve the quality of life.
and accumulate
Our experience clearly proves that these two simple steps — preserve and accumulate — help people achieve Financial Security and improve their quality of life. Only such a sequence of actions leads a person to success and gives him/her confidence in the future.

Lack of
financial security
What is the essence of
Financial Security ?
The easiest way to understand it is in a situation when it is absent in a person’s life.
Often, a person’s stress is associated with a low quality of life, low income, high expenses, loans and debts, and the inability to provide for his/her family.
Those who face frequent financial problems are at risk. If there is no Financial Security in a person’s life, then he/she is in a state of Lack of Financial Security.

Lack of Financial Security:
- Unpaid debts that need to be repaid.
- Threat to survival.
- Insecurity of vital interests.
- Weakness in upholding one’s interests.
- Acute threat of loss of property and deterioration of living standards.
- Depression or fear of losing everything you have.
- Inability to make long-term plans, set global goals.
- Limited financial mindset — surviving until the next paycheck.
- Lack of authority among others.
- Self-doubt, insecurity.
- The need to do some things that life imposes on people.
- Expenses exceed income.
Our experience has shown that it is not enough to help people learn, but it is also necessary to help them take action. We must, figuratively speaking, not only make sure that the doors of opportunity are open, but that people enter those open doors.
It can be said that our goal is to change the behavior of people so that they can benefit from financial opportunities and constantly improve their well-being.
!This leads to a reduction of barriers on the path to their financial and life goals.
The path from
financial security to
financial sustainability
Financial Sustainability can be defined as
the ability of a person to maintain their activities at a certain level, including the ability of a person to consistently maintain their standard of living in a sustained way.
The key word in this definition is CONSISTENTLY.
If you carefully analyze this statement, you can understand that there can be no real Success in life if it is impossible to preserve and maintain what has already been previously gained by a person. In other words: real success of a person is always a sustainable result. Otherwise, it is not a great strategic Success, but a simple tactical win, in fact, a short-term victory. It is Financial Sustainability that determines the Quality of human life as a key measure of Success.
The data obtained within the research of the Global Success Management Institute allowed us to create innovative technologies that simplify and help move purposefully along the path from Financial Security to Financial Sustainability!